JS Obfuscator
Compact code output on one line.
Enables additional code obfuscation through simplification.
Enables code control flow flattening. Affects the performance up to 1.5x slower speed.
Random blocks of dead code will be added to the obfuscated code.
Impossible to use the F12 Developer Tools. Force the debug mode on the Console tab with an interval.
This option makes the output code resilient against formatting and variable renaming.
Disables the use of console.log, console.info, etc. by replacing them with empty functions.
Allows to run the code only on specific domain. Use ".example.com" to make it work on any sub-domains.
Sets identifier names generator. Hexadecimal: "_0xabc123", Mangled: "a,b,c"
Enables numbers conversion to expressions. Example: -0xd93 + -0x10b4
Removes string literals and place them in a special array. Example: _0x12c456[0x1]
Randomly shuffles the stringArray array items. StringArray must be enabled.
Shift the stringArray array by a fixed and random places. StringArray must be enabled.
Encode all string literals of the stringArray and decode back at runtime. Affects performance.
Splits literal strings into chunks with length of option value. Example: 'ab' + 'cd' + 'g'
Enables obfuscation of global variable and function names with declaration.
Rename property names. All built-in DOM properties and properties in core JavaScript classes will be ignored.
The keys of objects in the code will be altered to obscure their original names.